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A perfect way to hide Private Photos

Private Memories helps you keep all your personal memories like Private Photos & Videos safe in a secret vault, protected by a Password. The easiest Photo Vault for Mac.

The easiest, safest and cut to cut Private Photo Vault for your Mac. No unnecessary Features. Just what you need to hide your Private Photos and Videos and a viewer to view the Private Photos and Videos.


Private Memories Features

malware scan
Lock photos & videos

If you are tired of people trying to look at your photos and videos when you hand them your Mac, this application is for you.

privacy scan

Private Memories has an inbuilt Image Viewer and a player in it which will allow you to access and view your Photos and videos in Full Screen mode.

privacy scan

The security is so strong that as soon as you minimize the app, it will need a password again to get into the app to view the images or videos.

malware scan
Create private albums

You can create as many private albums as you want. You may also remove the albums you may not want.

How does Private Memories works?

If you are tired of people trying to look at your photos and videos when you hand them your Mac, this application is for you. Private Memories allows you to import photos and videos and hide them behind a Password. It can import Photos from Photos Library and folders.

1. Install

Install the App - Private Memories on your Mac.

2. Set a password

As you will launch the application Private Memories for the first time, it will ask you to set a password to be used to view Photos imported and stored in Private Memories.

3. Import photos & videos

Once you set the password, you can move to the next screen where you can import Photos from Photos Library or folders.


Multimedia Slideshow

The easiest, safest and cut to cut Private Photo Vault for your Mac. No unnecessary Features. Just what you need to hide your Private Photos and Videos and a viewer to view the Private Photos and Videos.

Photos master View
× img

The Private Memories provides the feature of Multimedia Slideshow. You can use the right arrow for next image and left arrow for previous image and if you want to stop the slideshow, click on pause (middle) button.

Private Memories also available for iOS

Private Memories helps you keep all your Private Memories like Private Photos & Videos safe in a secret vault protected by a Password. The easiest Private Photo Vault.The easiest, safest and cut to cut Private Photo Vault. No unnecessary Features. Just what you need to hide your Private Photos and Videos.

If you are tired of people trying to look at your photos and videos when you hand them your phone, this application is for you. Private Memories allows you to import photos and videos and hide them behind a Password.

Private Memories

Hide all your Private Memories

Security at fingertips. Protect what matters the most. Make Your photos, videos and albums private!

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
Uninstall Instructions | End User License Agreement