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How to Speed up your Mac?

Memory Cleaner Pro is an lightweight gorgeous tool, extremely powerful for optimizing your Mac's memory.

The Ram Cleaning feature of app resembles the feeling of a fresh system restart and helps to keep your Mac running smooth and fast.

How it works?

Freeing up unneeded memory allows other apps to take advantage of more available memory for better performance.

Memory Cleaner Pro works by purging your Mac's inactive memory and is best used when you close a memory hogging app that you won't be working again with soon.

Automatic RAM cleanup

Automatically clean unused memory from your Mac in a single click. This freed up memory can be utilized by other apps for better performance.

Why use Memory Cleaner Pro?

Memory Cleaner Pro helps free up memory resources so that users can use it for other urgent and more intensive programs or games. It comes as a portable utility and features a simple and intuitive user interface.


See Mac memory usage

See the total memory, available memory and availabe memory for your Mac.


Discover Memory Hogs

Memory Cleaner Pro lets you know which apps are using up the most memory on your Mac. It helps you automatically recover memory when you close them.


Clear RAM with one click

Clean and optimize your Mac's memory in a single click and enjoy smooth System performance.


Inactive App Notifications

Get notifications of opened apps that have not been used for a period of time. You can close these inactive apps to reduce memory usage.

Compatible with Mac OS X 12.6 or later

Memory Cleaner Pro

Clean junk files from your MAC & Protect Online Privacy

Make your Mac work up to its fullest potential with the best speed boosting app out there.

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
Uninstall Instructions | End User License Agreement