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Centralize your Workflow in a Single Place and Boost your Productivity

mProductive is the desktop app to streamline all your accounts, web apps and more in one single place. Add multiple accounts of the same app and switch across all apps, drives, messages, and more! Choose from our 81+ available apps and more getting added to the list.

Centralize your workflow in a single place and boost your productivity. Connect all your favorite apps to mProductive and visualize scattered information in an actionable way. Switch to your Slack DMs or access any Google Drive documents directly from mProductive.

Connect your favorite apps

WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger - mProductive have everything you need to get it done.

Work faster with more focus

Access the web-apps from inside mProductive. Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing and working experience.

Multiple Profiles

You can have multiple profiles if you have multiple users on using your Mac system. Each user can have separate set of account accessible with their own credentials.


mProductive allows you to add each service account many times

This makes mProductive the perfect tool to manage multiple business and private accounts all at the same time. You could even use five different Gmail accounts or different Facebook accounts at once, if some inexplicable reason urges you to do so. Set up multiple sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. More focus, less distraction!

We have added a lot of apps, let's check some of those here:

All of your apps.

Add the apps you use most to Shift, and put an end to the logging in, logging out nightmare.

All of your apps.

Add the apps you use most to Shift, and put an end to the logging in, logging out nightmare.

mProductive Features

One service, unlimited accounts

mProductive allows you to add each service account many times. This makes mProductive the perfect tool to manage multiple business and private accounts all at the same time. You could even use five different Gmail accounts or different Facebook accounts at once, if some inexplicable reason urges you to do so. Set up multiple sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. More focus, less distraction!

More focus, less distraction!

Use five different Gmail or Facebook accounts at once

Manage multiple business and private accounts all at the same time


No more logging in and out in different apps

Are you tired of switching between accounts, and logging in and out? Have one unanimous username and password to access all apps in one single place - mProductive. No more chaos of daily logging in and out of your most used apps.

Work faster with more focus

Access the web-apps from inside mProductive. Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing and working experience

Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing and working experience change to - Organize your tabs and enjoy a better working expereince.


Easy switching to multiple tabs

Quickly Toggle between your most-used accounts using shortcut keys for 'Quick Switcher' and streamline your workflow. You can even use this on your Desktop and just not only when the app is active.

Quickly Toggle between your most-used accounts using shortcut keys


Productivity made simple

Try it for free. You can create upto 1 Profile and add up to two accounts for FREE to test the potential.


Add all of your email accounts

Add all of your mail accounts like Gmail, Outlook, and Office 365 and easily manage everything from one centralized place.


Connect favorite web apps

WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger - mProductive have everything you need to get it done.


Multiple Profiles

You can have multiple profiles if you have multiple users on using your Mac system.


Dark Mode

Enjoy the beautiful Dark Mode.


Made for Mac

mProductive is built natively to give you maximum performance.

Easy to Use

When it's simple to do everything, you can do anything.

mProductive supports a great variety of business and private email accounts like Google and Microsoft, messaging & chat services like Slack, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, Google Hangouts, Zendesk and many more. It does not matter if you just want to keep in touch with your friends or are managing a multi-seat customer care team. mProductive got you covered.


Bring all of your work together!

Streamline all your accounts, web apps and more in one single place

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
Uninstall Instructions | End User License Agreement