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Why Use URI Handler?

When you click on any link outside of your web browser, it opens in the Default Web Browser. But if you prefer to open that URL in another specific browser installed on your Mac, without falling into the nightmare of manually opening that preferred browser for one link and copying/pasting the URL, you can simply use "URI Handler - Open With Picker" to see a list of installed browsers and swap in one of those instead, automatically.



Choose from an unobstructive list of high fidelity icons that popups on the fly.


Open With Desired Browser/Mail

Open with browser and mail picker to allow you easily open links with preferred browser and email.


Peace of Mind

Get Peace of Mind by opening links in desired browser / email client.


MacOS Big Sur Ready

Ready to work well with the latest macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey!

Compatible with Mac OS X 12.6 or later

Choose from a list of all installed browsers

When you click any URL outside your Web Browser, "URI Handler - Open With Picker" will present you a beautiful list of all installed browsers to seek your choice and open the link in the chosen browser.

URI Handler will present a beautiful list of all installed browsers.
Choose your preferred browser to open the URL in.

Choose from a list of all installed email clients

Similarly if you click on a "mailto" link to open a mail client, with "URI Handler - Open With Picker", you get a beautiful list of all email clients installed on your Mac to choose one that you want to open the mail link into.

URI Handler will present a beautiful list of all installed email clients.
Choose your preferred email client to open the mailto URL in.

How does URI Handler - Open With Picke‪r‬ Works?


Set as Deafult Browser

Set URI Handler as the default Browser on your Mac.


Set as default email client

Set URI Handler as the default email client on your Mac.

Review & Delete

Choose your preferred app

Choose from an unobstructive list of high fidelity icons that popups on the fly.

URI Handler - Open With Picke‪r

Take control of how URLs open on your Mac in your preferred browser.

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
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