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Why use Square Images?

With Square Images - No Crop functionality, now you can post entire photos to Instagram or Facebook, make square photos without cropping to fit to Instagram, Facebook or any eCommerce platforms. Many eCommerece platforms also need square images for the product portfolios. You can easily resize your product images to make them square sized and by filling padding on required sides to avoid cropping the images.


Easy User Interface

Square Images is an easy to use photo editing application that makes all images into high quality squared size images for social networks. This is the best and coolest app for Instagram photo squaring.

Easy to use

High quality squared size images for social networks

This is the best and coolest app for Instagram photo squaring


Make square photos without cropping

With Square Images - No Crop functionality, now you can post entire photos to Instagram or Facebook, make square photos without cropping to fit to Instagram, Facebook or any eCommerce platforms.

Make square images without cropping

Make square photos without cropping to fit to social networks or any eCommerce platforms.


Add Multiple Images

Add as many images as you want to make of square size to the main screen of the app. Add them by easy drag and drop or by adding using the Open Panel.

Add as many images

Support drag and drop feature


High Quality

Makes all images into high quality squared size images.


Select background

Select background color from color picker or select Blur Background to fill the padding


Blur Background

When selecting Blur Background, you can easily control how blurry the background should be.


Drag and Drop

You can easily add the images into Square Images using drag and drop.


Dark Mode

The Square Images application is supports the beautiful Dark Mode.


Made for Mac

Square Images is built natively to give you maximum performance.

Square Images

Resize images to Square Shape

Convert your images or photos to square shape without cropping them!

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
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