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Highlight the active window and dim the background

Active Focus app helps you focus on the current task you are doing in the Active Window by dimming the non-active and distracting windows on the screen. Active Focus makes the current window standout by fading out all other background windows.

When you do daily work on your Mac, you often have several apps and windows open, several browser tabs, and have potentially set up your Mac to have multiple screens.


Custom Settings

Get complete control on how dark the background windows appear with a custom settings. You can change the dimmed background to any color and shade of your choice and that is soothing to your eyes. This way, you have fewer distractions and can work more productively.

Complete control on how dark the background windows

Set the degree of darkness for background windows


Highlight active window

Active Focus helps you get complete focus on Active working window.


Dim background window

You can change the dimmed background to any color and shade of your choice.


Boost Your Productivity

Focus on what's important with Active Focus and Boost Your Productivity!


Set the darkness

Set the degree of darkness for background windows.


Easy Access from Menu Bar

Active Focus resides in and can be opened from the menu bar.


Made for Mac

Active Focus is built natively to give you maximum performance.

Active Focus

Focus on Current Work Window!

It makes the current window standout by fading out all other background windows.

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
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