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Why use Clipboard Booster?

Clipboard Booster is a very simple and light app that helps you manage your clipboard for your Mac. Running discreetly from your menu bar, the app stores all the texts that you have copied or cut in the past, allowing you to easily find that snippet of text you need, whenever you want to paste that somewhere.


Simple and Light App

Clipboard Booster is a very simple and light app that helps you manage your clipboard for your Mac. Clipboard booster helps you copy paste things in a lightning fast way.


Powerful Manager

Clipboard Booster has a powerful manager where you can create various clipboards within the application to store different clippings.


Dark mode and Light mode

The Clipboard Booster support both dark mode and the light mode so allows easy toggle between Dark/Light user interface.

Sequential Paste Queue

This is an important feature that Clipboard Booster supports. Sometimes you need to copy different texts and paste them in a sequence but you need to first copy one text then paste it and then follow the same for another texts.

Using "Sequential Paste Queue" you can copy many texts in a sequence one by one and then paste them in a sequence whenever needed, using the shortcut key that was assigned by yourself.

All the copied texts are visible in the "Sequential Paste Queue" window of Clipboard Booster. This window can be activated using the shortcut key that is assigned by you.

You can pin copied text snippets to make them appear at the top

You can pin copied text snippets to make them appear at the top of your list or delete them if you no longer need them. You can also get a list of recent clipping to appear next to your mouse pointer by pressing the menu hotkey. Clipboard Booster comes with a powerful search bar that is particularly useful for finding the snippets that you have copied in past, containing certain text or characters that you have copied. You can easily select a search result and have it pasted where you need.

Our Features

Clipboard Booster provides features to boost up your productivity

Improve your productivity icon

Improve your productivity

Clipboard Booster helps you to significantly improve your productivity if your work involves a lot of copying / pasting of texts.

powerful manager icon

Set Keyboard Shortcuts

Clipboard Booster allows you to set Keyboard shortcuts to paste the copied texts. All the copied texts are visible in sequence in the popup which can appear by clicking the button on the top menu bar or using the shortcut key that you have set.

dark mode and the light mode icon

Powerful Search Bar

Clipboard Booster comes with a powerful search bar that is particularly useful for finding the snippets that you have copied in past, containing certain text or characters that you have copied.

dark mode and the light mode icon

Made for Mac

Clipboard Booste‪r is built natively to give you maximum performance.

Clipboard Booste‪r

Clipboard Booster is a very simple and light app that helps you manage your clipboard for your Mac.

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
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