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Why Use System Cleaner?

System Cleaner is a brand new professional System utility app to keeping your Mac clean, healthy and optimized. Our latest app, System Cleaner, has been built with love for helping you get the very best performance of your Mac and maximum disk space saving functions. System Cleaner will scan and find items that are not needed or are of Junk category and the selectively clean those items. It will also help optimize and protect your Mac.

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System Cleaner is a brand new professional System utility app to keeping your Mac clean, healthy and optimized.

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The System Cleaner find and remove unwanted duplicate files and boost the performance of your Mac system.

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The System Cleaner protect from against potential threats and defend your privacy and online activities.

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System Cleaner is a brand new Professional System Utility App

System Cleaner is a brand new professional System utility app to keeping your Mac clean, healthy and optimized.
Our latest app, System Cleaner, has been built with love for helping you get the very best performance of your Mac and maximum disk space saving functions. System Cleaner will scan and find items that are not needed or are of Junk category and the selectively clean those items. It will also help optimize and protect your Mac.

Our Features

We are provide lots of features, Let's Check some from here


Remove System Junk

Remove all kinds of junk files to free up more space for your Mac. Free up your Mac hard disk and give your more space to run your Mac smoothly.


Remove Log Files

Free up your Mac hard disk from unwanted log files and to get more space to run your Mac smoothly. This is helpful for Mac users with smaller SSD hard disks.


Manage Startup Items

Many of the login startup items are take up and even scramble for resource from your Mac RAM and CPU. Find out and Optimize Startup items.


24/7 Premium Support

Our technicians are there whenever you need them. Write us or call us anytime you face an issue with your Mac and we will try to fix it for you remotely.

Compatible with Mac OS X 12.6 or later

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Junk Cleaner

Junk Cleaner scans for Application caches and all unwanted items on you mac that are not longer needed and deleting them will save you disk space.

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Logs Cleaner

Apps that you use regularly ion your Mac may make many log files that are safe to be deleted to save large amount of space.

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Trash Bin Cleaner

When you delete files from Finder they are all move to Trash Bins on your Mac. It is a good option to empty Trash Bins regularly.

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Partial Downloads

Whenever you download any files from Internet, it might be possible that the download fails or does not completes for some reason.

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Duplicates Finder

De-clutter Your Mac. Find and remove unwanted duplicate files for an organized files collection on your Mac.

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Start up Apps

Many apps launch as you switch on your Mac on Startup. Some of these apps may not be needed by you on Daily basis.

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Privacy Protection

System Cleaner's Privacy Protection modules helps you to erase your online traces and defend your personal information and your browsing habits.

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Large Files

System Cleaner also has a handy large files scanner that will scan for Large files in any folder that you want to search for Large files.

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Quick Cleanup

Quick Cleanup performs a robust scan for all the four sections under cleaning in one go and provides you superb convenience to clean all unwanted items residing on your Mac in one easy go!

3 Simple Steps to Optimize
and Secure Your Mac



Download and Install System Cleaner to diagnose your Mac.


Scan your Mac

Scan your Mac to find junk items, Malware and other unwanted items.

Review & Delete

Review & Delete

Review the found results and remove the unwanted items in one go!

System Cleaner

System Cleaner is a brand new professional System utility app to keeping your Mac clean.

Supports Mac OS X 12.6 or later.
Uninstall Instructions | End User License Agreement